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Un somriure saludable
per una persona sana
Un diagnòstic complet i precís de la teva salut bucodental
El caràcter preventiu dels diagnòstics juga un paper fonamental a l'ortodòncia
A Imagine Barcelona som conscients que la boca, igual que la pell, és un indicador extern de salut i mostra indicis i símptomes de què passa al nostre organisme.
La imatge diagnòstica en aquest àmbit ens permet, per exemple, detectar càries abans que siguin visibles, fins i tot abans que l’especialista. Un tractament primerenc d’aquests problemes és vital per evitar complicacions que arribin al nervi i posin en perill la peça dental. A més, són proves essencials per dur a terme estudis d’ortodòncia i per detectar patologies i anomalies.
Exploracions i tècniques
3D MAMMOGRAPHY BY TOMOSYNTHESISWith mammograms we detect small tumors and other breast ailments early. When do I have to have a mammogram? Faced with abnormal breast symptoms, such as palpable nodules, skin or nipple retraction to, discharge ... Annually from the age of 40 or, in case of family history, from 35.
BREAST SONOGRAPHYIt is a complementary technique to mammography, not a replacement, which is usually combined with this and physical examination to get a more detailed diagnosis of breast cancer. It is a technique based on ultrasound, painless and without ionized radiation. We use it as an initial study technique in symptomatic women under 35, in pregnant women, in mastectomized women or with inflammatory pathologies. And as a complementary mammography technique when this has been negative, despite a palpable lesion, when there are risk factors, as well as to detect if an abnormality is benign or cancerous.

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